

The Today meme is hosted by Masha! Join in over at Piękno, or leave your own sensory notes in the combox...

Today I am...

Feeling... a little tired, and a little nervous. It took us twenty minutes longer than usual to drag ourselves out of bed this morning, even though—small victory!—this eternal slowpoke dragged herself to bed before 11:30 for once. I think it's the rain. As for the nervousness bit, I'll be steadily nervous through Mass on Sunday, and it'll probably take me the afternoon (or possibly the rest of the week) to get rid of the residuals, but it's all right. A part of me is actually excited about directing choir, terrors notwithstanding.

Seeing... Maia skulking around like she thinks there might be an intruder in the house. By 'intruder', she means 'anyone other than Lou, Jenna, and Maia.' Her people are not as unfriendly as she is. I promise.

Smelling... all the girly post-shower scents. I love citrussy, tropical smells and am a total sucker for all the Clairol Herbal Essences and Calgon body mist marketing campaigns. Even when I hate their commercials, as I generally did with Clairol back when I had a television.

Tasting... that odd, bitter taste in the back of the throat that hints at the possibility of getting sick. I'm probably not; that's a semi-constant feeling in cold, rainy Washington State. But I'm taking elderberries, just in case.

Listening... to a freshly-burned copy of an album I made for my nieces and nephews. Out of distrust for my CD burner and iTunes, I try to listen to every copy I burn to be sure it's glitch-free.

Grateful... for Mary; for her comforting, motherly nearness, for her help in calming my mind.

Reading... I'm in between books now, but am about to pick up Freckles by Gene Stratton Porter.

Loving... my sister Beth, who talked with me on the phone for an hour and a quarter yesterday with a fussy baby on her lap, and planned sewing projects for my next visit.

Hoping... that my Kindle weather app's promise of "abundant sunshine" in early July will come to pass sooner rather than later. It's been holding heat and sunshine out like a dangling carrot, always four or five days away, for what feels like most of June. I'm wearing my skort and doubled-up tank tops and hoping for at least a short break in the clouds this afternoon.


  1. I love Freckles and think you will, also. Such a big heart!

    We just returned from a few days on your side of the state and the only pretty, sunny day was Saturday. It's been wet here, too, including a deluge this afternoon.

    Stay well!


    1. YOU CAME TO THE WEST SIDE AND I MISSED YOU. I'm so sorry I never got back to you on that! Have had a lot on my mind the last couple of weeks and completely spaced it...

      And I am so excited to read Freckles. And so far, not sick. :)

      Hope you had a lovely trip, despite the weather!

  2. You are directing a choir? and YOU SEW? That's awesome! I'm a sewing giver uper. I think I"ll do something but then never get around to it!
    I hope the choir directing went well! what kind of choir is it?
    I envy the rain!

    1. Well, I want to sew. I'm kind of new at it.

      It's just our small choir for Mass, and it's this Sunday. I hope it goes well, too. ;)

      You are welcome to the rain! Wish I could pack up a few of these clouds and send them to you!


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